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Latest updates
August 2018 updates:
In Memoriam: AJ (John) Burt RIP, D (Dave) Lincoln RIP, PA (Peter) Starkey-Smith RIP
Service Records: John Green added.
February 2018 updates:
Members List: Updated
In Memoriam: Maurice Raven RIP, John Dainty RIP
Service Records: John Moon added.
Halton Reports: NEW - RAF Halton 83rd Entry Training and Graduation Reports now included
Notice Board 2018: Planning for the 2018 Reunion - Latest Update, Maurice Raven RIP, John Dainty RIP, Colin Lines Memorial Service, Staying in Touch (Tony Gassner, John Moon, Stuart Drury, Chris Strike), 83rd (Southern) Group Xmas Lunch, Schools Books c1958
Triennial Reports: 2004 Photos from Mike Heaphy
Photo Gallery: Halton images (Events and Graduation) from Mike Heaphy
December 2017 updates:
Members List: Updated
In Memoriam: Bob Hutchinson RIP, Hugh Young RIP, Colin Lines RIP
Service Records: Derek Bye added.
Notice Board 2017: Bob Hutchinson RIP, Hugh Young RIP, Colin Lines RIP, 83rd (Midlands) Group Dinner, RAF Halton Closure in 2020, Ensuring there is an 83rd Entry Legacy
Notice Board 2018: Colin Lines Memorial Service, 2018 Reunion Planning
Reunion Reports: 2017 Write-up and Images
Photo Gallery: 3 Wing, Blk 5, Rm 2, 83rd Entry Rooks c1956, Tony Miles on 60 Sqdn in Kuching, Engine Fitters Final Test Job
© 2018 - 83rd Entry, RAF Halton Apprentices
Please note that the images, documents and narratives used on this website are generally included with the prior permission of current 83rd Entry members and the estates of deceased 83rd Entry members (e.g. families) who have donated copies of original material specifically for the purpose of creating an historical archive of the Entry since its formation at RAF Halton in 1956 up to present day. Service related documents and images originating from official RAF sources / archives are acknowledged as Crown Copyright.