News of Members
The quest to locate and make contact with more of our entry members is still as important as ever. Chips and Ivor seem to be the main motivators but we should all make the effort to find our old colleagues before time runs out.
Recent contacts are:
Richard Kevan (Electrical - 1 Wing) is living in Thailand and teaching English to school children. The school is run by a charity organisation.
Tony Gassner (R Rhod AF - Instruments - 1 Wing) is teaching English to students in China. He seems to be enjoying it from the e-mails he sends.
Roger White (Airframes) has made contact from Australia.
Mal Wood placed an advert in the RAFA "Air Mail" magazine and it has produced three new members:-
- Dave (Bill) Green (Engines - 1 Wing) our top graduating member who was awarded a Technical Cadetship.
- Bob Newman (Engines - 3 Wing, 2 Sqd). He runs a fish & chip shop and recommends a visit if you are in his home area.
- John Goodman (Airframes - 2 Wing) who hopes to make it to the Sheringham Reunion.
Please note that member contact details are held by the Entry Secretary Ivor John (See CONTACTS for his 'e' mail).
Contacts with Other Ex. Brats
Just the other day I had a couple of 'e' mails that were from people making enquiries related to Halton. One was from an ex. 73rd entry guy looking for another 73rd entry member with the same name as me (I didn't expect that). I had to disappoint him but the irony is he lives just a couple of miles from me so we are arranging to meet up. Sounds an intriguing fellow - he's retired now (pushing 70 I reckon) but he teaches jazz piano and still does gigs.
Halton Buckler PBH1
The other enquiry was from the Chairman of the Buckler Register - David Montgomery. He appears to have located me through Friends Re-united and he wants more information about the Halton Buckler PBH1. I can remember the car being built when we were at Halton and then raced at Brands Hatch (by officers!!) but that's as far as it goes with me. Does anyone else have any more details?