Elaine Tuckman RIP
In early March 2007 we were all very sad to hear about the passing of Elaine Tuckman. Mike rang Ivor to inform him of his sad loss. Elaine had been suffering from cancer and passed away in Mike’s arms with their children at their side.
Elaine and Mike are long-time members of our “Entry Reunion Family”. Sadly, they missed the 50th Anniversary Reunion because Mike had already arranged his regular trip to Borneo.
Many of us sent cards and letters of support and shared our thoughts of Elaine with Mike and his family. A special word of thanks from Mike and his family was passed to Stefan who attended Elaine’s funeral and represented the Entry Family. And for those members who made donations to St.Anne’s Hospice, Mike tells us that on the day they collected £900-00 and this has been passed to the Hospice.
Elaine will be sadly missed by all those who had the good fortune to know her.
Libby Armiger RIP
Sadly in August 2007 we had more bad news. Maurice Raven broke the news that Libby Armiger, Spike’s wife, had passed away down in New Zealand. This was a double blow for Spike because they lost their son just 4 months before. Libby attended the first Entry Reunion with Spike at Sheringham in 1992.
Dave Lincoln
In April 2007 Tony Anderson – Dixon let Ivor know that Dave Lincoln had suddenly been taken ill and had undergone major surgery for the repair of an embolism to the main Aortic artery. Thankfully Dave came safely through his ordeal and the surgeon said he should make a full recovery.
Myra subsequently advised us that Dave would be in hospital for about 10 days and then hopefully make slow and steady progress to a full recovery during the summer.
Dave has made a full recovery after his life-saving surgery earlier this year and he and Myra came to our Entry Reunion at Chinnor in September. Great result!
Judith O'Shea
In early September 2007 Patrick O’Shea rang Ivor and spoke to Margaret (Ivor was visiting me at the time) and told her that Judith had fallen from a horse two weeks ago sustaining a head injury, a broken collar bone and other injuries. Judith has been in a coma ever since. Naturally Patrick and the girls are very distressed but they are being positive.
In late September, Patrick was able to come over briefly from the USA to join our Entry Reunion and visit the Triennial. He announced at the Reunion Dinner that Judith had emerged from her coma and was making excellent progress toward a full recovery. Needless to say, everyone applauded that piece of very good news and asked Patrick to convey everyone’s good wishes to Judith for her continued recovery to full health.
Mayor Bob Hutchinson
In May 2007 we discovered on the grapevine that that our own Bob Hutchinson (1 Wing - Engines) is currently the Mayor of Llantwit Major. In his Mayoral year he will be supported by Dorothy, as Lady Mayoress.