Mike Tuckman RIP
The news of Mike's untimely passing initially came to us via Patrick O'Shea who was contacted by Simon, Mike’s son. The following is from Patrick's email:- "Apparently, Mike had a cerebral embolism on June 10th 2010 shortly after a visit in the nearby town. He had just left town when his jeep veered off the road into the side. They found him unconscious with his beloved dog licking his face. As I understand it, shortly afterwards, he had a heart attack and passed away. See Mike's Obituary under Service Records.
The Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal
A message from Peter Swaminathan – 682042 - 3 Wing, 2 Sqd - Electrical
I was awarded the Malay Medal - Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal today (10th June 2010), this is of course in addition to the medal that I received in 1966 for the Borneo operations. I thought you would like to see the photo below of Brigadier General Dato'Md Tajri Alwi awarding me the medal in Horsham, Surrey. I hope that you are all well. Regards, Swami
Reply to Swami from John Cooper:
Hi Swami, Congratulations.
But did you know that you are not officially allowed to wear it if you are a British subject, we have been fighting this decision for 5 years, see here!! http://www.fight4thepjm.org/the_pjm.htm
John Cooper
Reply to John from Ken Butcher:
John, Swami did really well - mine was presented (well kind of) in a small padded bag left in my mail box by the local postie!
I'm surprised that you are having problems getting to wear the PJM (or perhaps not surprised - NZ is, after all, 12 hours ahead of UK). Our Queen lets us wear it, albeit well down the order of precedence. Perhaps you could ask your Queen to talk to ours (they are still closely related!) about it.
For more info look at the link, start with the VC and work your way well down the list. It is in the category of awards instituted by a Commonwealth country of which our Sovereign is not Head of State and those Instituted by the States of Malaysia & Borneo.
Cheers Ken Butcher
Triennial 2010 Music
Ivor John has posted a reminder for those members who attended the Halton Triennial and were on parade when the Golden Oldies performed a piece of music with the Halton Brass Band.
This was a magical moment for all those present and it was considered by Ivor to be a totally fitting and wonderful piece. Ivor contacted the 83rd Honorary Piper (Jock Walker, who was on parade playing with the Golden Oldies) and confirmed the piece of music is called Highland Cathedral.
Many Brats present were videoing the event so he presumes it will appear on one of the Brat websites eventually.
Footnote: In August 2012, Highland Cathedral was performed by the massed brass and pipe bands at the Edinburgh Military Tattoo as part of the closing sequence. It was an amazing sound and deserved all the applause it received. It made the hairs stand up on the back of your neck!
John Burt