4th RAFHAAA Triennial - 1989
Images provided by Tony Miles
Unfortunately, I have no narrative for this Triennial to share with you . If you have a good memory and want to write a narrative and / or have some more good quality photos of the event tucked away and are happy to have them put onto this website, please get in touch.
Triennial Programme
Standing L to R: Johnny Walker, Dave Smith, John Gardner, Pat O'Shea, Mike Frost, Mal Woods, Arthur Wray, Tony Miles
Kneeling L to R: Bob Hutchinson, NK, Ivor John, NK
Ivor John and Tony Miles
83rd Entry gathering in the sun at Airfield!!
The Golden Oldies entertaining the crowd
Waiting for something to happen!!
BBMF Spitfire Flypast
33rd Entry 'Goodbye' Banner Flypast!!
The Golden Oldies with Johnny Walker in front row 2nd from left
The March-up to Henderson-Groves
March-up to Henderson-Groves viewed from the rear - a long way to go and uphill all the way!
Arriving at Henderson-Groves for the Sunset ceremony
Relaxing with the ladies in the evening at the Red Lion in Wendover
Around table clockwise: Mal Woods, Margaret John, Pam Miles, Anne Woods, Ivor John, Pat O'Shea, Arthur Wray, Irene Wray